
Strength Magickal Spellcards - Bonefire Tarot | All About Paranormal } -->

Strength Magickal Spellcards - Bonefire Tarot

Magikal Spell Cards- Bonefire Tarot

Strength the state of being physically or emotionally strong.

Strength can be physically strong

Strength can be the strength of spirit 

Strength is a part of your life.

If you draw this card universe wants you to know that you are strong, you can be strong, if you consider all the problems you have gone through.. 

Being strong doesn't mean that you are harsh or using physical force.

Being strong means being yourself no matter what, even after going through all the difficulties. 

You need to be strong when circumstances are testing you,  I know it's difficult to be strong under those circumstances..

Strength Spell

You need to cast this on new moon or a young moon..

What you need

small piece of red fabric 
blue thread 
little nettle
acorn or oak twigs
dandelion or rosemary cloves
Star anise

Visualize a circle of blue fire burning bright and strong dancing with power and energy, all about you.

As you place your ingredients in the center of red fabric chant

In my body, soul, and mind
Into these sacred three I wind
Strength, stability, in this hour
Endurance, stamina, I empower
And by the power of three by three
As I do will, so mote it be

Tie up your pouch with the thread and feel yourself growing stronger, in your body, soul and mind.

When you finish your pouch, pop it under your pillow or carry it with you for the next few days.

Return to sacred space and see your circle of blue fire burn brightly, then shimmer and absorbed back into Universal Energy, taking this spells power out into immense power of the universe, so bring you strength.

Blessed Be

Strength card is telling you not to be desperate.

Strength tells you your mind is important, You need to focus on what you want, what you don't want.

Control your fears, control your impulses, don't lose your patience.

Spend time alone by yourself (alone without anyone around, even if you have many kids, and a couple of boyfriends)

You need to keep your head up straight..  Never look down on yourself.

Strength card is also associated with Greek Goddess Athena & Thor in Norse Mythology

Athena was regarded as the patron and protectress of various Greek Cities. 

Athena was said to have competed against the mortal Arachne in a competition, and transformed

Arachne into the first spider; Ovid also describes how she transformed Medusa into a Gorgon.

Since the Renaissance, Athena has become an international symbol of wisdom and the arts.

Athena often used as a symbol of freedom and democracy.

Herbs & Crystals associated with Strength Tarot Card

Cat's eye

Decks Used Here

Bonefire Tarot

Source for the spell : Magickal Spellcards Guide Book