09 August 2018

The Hummingbird-Mystical Shaman Oracle

The Hummingbird
The Hummingbird

The Hummingbird

Despite being so little, hummingbirds are great journeyers, migrating between North and Central or South America to feed from the summer nectar. This gentle creature can be fiercely territorial to protect its home. Hummingbird teaches us to be gentle to ourselves and protect our personal space. Hummingbird invites you to embark on your epic quest, bypass the dung pile of old pain and hurts, head for the flowers, and learn to trust the calling you hear ever so softly.

The buzzing you feel is the sound of your hummingbird wings preparing you to say yes to a new adventure. This is not the time to linger on what has gone wrong, but to trust in the rightness of the moment and take bold action. Trust that success is assured, even if you must face tests and challenges to reach your destination. Know that all will be well because the All is in the small.

This mighty being comes to teach you stillness in motion and to trust your inner knowing that the sweetest nectar is assured. Failing to act when the moment is right can spoil your journey. If you feel your safety, comfort, or day-to-day survival are more important than saying yes to the invitation to explore the unknown, you will have to work much harder to achieve what is being offered to you freely now. Still your mind, even in the midst of your very hectic schedule, and heed the gentle voice that calls to you to test new wings.

The hummingbird is known as a messenger and stopper of time. It is also a symbol of love, joy, and beauty. The hummingbird is also able to fly backwards, sideways, and can also hover, go forward, up or down, move its wings in a figure of eight pattern, a symbol for infinity, teaching us that we can look back on our past. Hummingbird is the smallest of all birds. It is the only creature able to stop dead in its tracks whilst travelling at full speed.

It is a teacher of joy, and their lessons are many, it tells us no to stuck in the past, don’t long in the past, and be hopeful that the future will bring better things.. Hummingbird tells us that life goes on, Just remember this song whenever you feel like you wanna go to past and change things 

“Obladi oblada life goes on brahhh
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on brahhh”
Lala how the life goes on
Don’t stuck in the past, you don’t know what future will bring 

Hummingbird gives us the chance not to repeat the same mistakes we have done in the past, it gives us a chance to start a new. 

Appreciate every moment of life and try to enjoy it.. 

Try more vegetable, plant based diet for a health life, Hummingbirds are known as drinking nectar from plants & flowers, it symbolizes healing

And if your spirit animal is hummingbird, it means you can adapt to any situation.

Hummingbirds are observant and they’re pretty much playful. 

They’re joyful, they’re full of fun and happiness.


The changes you’re experiencing are influenced by internal processes. You’ve been recognizing important truths, and now you’re questioning parts of your life that you once took for granted. You’ve arrived at some new insights that are making you reconsider your previous choices. What you once felt comfortable with now makes you uncomfortable.

You received this card as acknowledgment of this development, and also as guidance to take your time in making life decisions and adjustments. Do your research, get support, and adopt the changes as you feel ready. After all, you don’t want to increase your stress levels with any radical shifts you’re not prepared for.

Now that you’ve had these realizations, you’ll make positive changes at a natural and healthy pace. Your new outlook will lead the way, without stress or worries.

Additional Meanings


A spiritual path


Growing apart in relationships