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Deep Knowing - Wisdom Of The Oracle

Deep Knowing - Wisdom Of The Oracle
Deep Knowing - Wisdom Of The Oracle

 “Intuition; Listening to the oracle within; Empathy; Hypersensitivity”

“Intuition is the faculty that allows you to enter into a dialogue with Source, the Consciousness that you are a part of but cannot see with the naked eye. 

It is perplexing that people are taught to ignore this natural capacity to navigate their journeys, to access their inner guidance.

Know that you have an ability to read between the lines and find all the truth that was missing when the story was told. 

This deep knowing allows you open the door to wisdom far greater than what is available in the limitations of human experience. 

You are given information that may make no sense whatsoever to the logical mind or five senses but which is 100 percent correct and true. 

The trick is to listen and then to act accordingly. You are now invited into this sacred dialogue of deep knowing, so tune in and trust your vibes – they will be right. 

Ask and you will receive answers from unusual sources.”

“There are occasions when you just know, deep in your heart and soul, that a person is going to play a meaningful role in your life. 

Someone crosses your path and suddenly, out of the blue, you are connected at a level impossible to describe. That feeling marks a moment in time etched indelibly onto your soul. 

Someone has entered your life who will be instrumental in your journey, so pay attention. Two hearts are calling to each other to begin an alchemical process. 

This is also a sign that your intuition about the person you care about is correct. Trust your heart to lead you now. Magic is about to happen.”

“This is a time when your hunches will pay large dividends if you listen to them, take the risk, and act. Within you there is an oracluar consciousness, a higher and deeper knowing that transcends the machinations of the smaller “thinking” mind. 

At the deep level of your intuitive senses, you have an access point to the genius of the collective. The energies of all thinkers and creators, all inventors and leaders, and all that you need in order to leap into success are available to tune in to. 

This is an act of listening intently. Past the busy mind, your genius awaits.”

 “You are in empathy overload and need to get grounded again, so tune out for a bit. 

Hypersensitive, you are suffering from psychic exhaustion. 

This signals a time for a recharging of your batteries. 

Set energetic boundaries, take a salt bath, empty your mind, and get back to you. It is not a tie to be too open. Soon enough, you can let your guard down. 

Right now you need self are and self love. It is time to say “no, thank you” to anyone in your life who exhausts you. Won’t that feel good?”*

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 Wisdom Of The Oracle

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