11 September 2018

Saints & Angels Oracle - Vintage Wisdom Oracle

Saints & Angels Oracle Deck, Vintage Wisdom Oracle,

This is strong and & clear message for you to go on retreat as soon as possible. Your guardian angels wants you to have some peace and quiet time, because you need to rest, have some quiet time and some peace.

You need to rejuvenate, rest and regroup.

Your time apart will refresh you, & recharge your batteries.

You'll gain new insights & the answers you seek, as well as to develop better understanding of the direction and which step you need to take next.

Give this retreat to your angels & they'll orchestrate all the details, they'll ensure you have the time, money and other support you need for a wonderful experience.

Trust the location, they send you is ideal for you.

This's a blessing for you & for your loved ones.

Spend some time alone in quiet thought. Clear your mind, and focus on your truth and priorities.

Are you pushing yourself too hard, beloved child of God? The angels remind us that rest is a natural cycle in every living thing. Think of the mighty oak tree that grows in spurts and then rests. It draws its nourishment from deep within the Earth, and takes its time before growing upward again. Like the oak tree, it’s important for you to nourish yourself with spiritual and emotional “food”.

While you are resting, take time to reflect on your heart’s true feelings and desires. Your angels speak to you through your heart, and when you listen to and honour your feelings, you walk hand-in-hand with God and the angels. You will know that it is true Divine guidance, and not just your imagination or wishful thinking if it speaks of your desire to make a difference in the world.

This card is coming to you now to let you know that you can improve your mind, your life, and your flow of abundance by spending quiet time alone in deep thought or meditation. Meditation is a spring- cleaning for your mind, a way of tossing out all the cluttering thoughts that can block manifestation.

It appears that you need to be away from people for a while so that you can hear your inner voice and focus upon what’s next. What is the first thought that comes to mind when you think of a retreat? This is your inner truth, guiding you to take action.

Even Jesus would go away for quiet retreats to replenish his energy and check in with God. So, there’s no need to feel guilty as you disconnect from the world for a few minutes, hours, or days. Think of it as an investment in spiritual renewal.

In some cases, this card is a signal to create a quieter environment at home or work. For example, try playing softer music, turning off your television set, or setting your telephone to silent.

You need to take a break from technology for a bit, connect with mother nature, by spending sometime out with nature, by going for a walk by the seaside, river side, going out for a walk in the forrest. You also need to take good care of mother nature, so that we'll have something to leave to the next generations, I've always enjoyed being by the sea side, river side, water always relaxed me, possibly being a summer baby, and being a Gemini an air sign, I can connect with fresh air when I'm in the water, open air, can smell the beautiful scent of sea & air.  

That's what helps me to relax, ofcourse not everyone can have sea-river-water within a close distance,  for those you can go and have long walks by the forrest,  sit under a tree, read a book, listen to some music, turn off your internet and try to sleep a little bit, maybe you can meet Alice & White Rabbit

Don't be overwhelmed with the daily pressures, spend time with nature, it'll take your stress out   

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