17 September 2018

Angels and Ancestors

Angels and Ancestors, Kyle Gray, Angel Card Of The Day, Angel Oracle Cards, Angel Oracle Decks, card of the day, Oracle Card Of The Day, Oracle Card Reading,
Star Ancestor - Shaolin Master - Sun
Star Ancestor is categorised under Sacred Ones,  The deck is divided into four. 
Sacred Ones, Guardians & Messengers, Warrior Symbols & Seasons. 
Art work is done by Lily Moses 
Star Ancestor 
Follow the voice of your soul
Pay attention to your to the messages coming from your soul
Star Ancestor is a native American Term for extraterrestrial light beings who are dedicated to the healing & growth of the world.   
There's a deeper purpose to your human journey. Not only you were born on purpose, you were born for a purpose.
You were born to be bright light in the world and there are supporters out there in the universe sending waves of energy to guide you at this time. Information and inspiration, that has been coming to your way recently, is not new information but memories.
Your feeling being drawn in a particular direction, are the awakening of an aspect of your soul. 
You are being drawn towards a road that will not only light up, but also will help to light up your corner of the world. Continue following the cosmic guidance that's coming to your way.  
Angels and Ancestors, Kyle Gray,
Star Ancestor - Shaolin Master - Sun

Shaolin Master another card from the Sacred Ones
Shaolin Master 
Be graceful in the moment and action 
Slow and steady, Breathe and flow, take a gentler approach
The Shaolin Master calls  forth the ninja within. 

Shaolin medicine is about leaning to adapt to situation and tap into the situation and tap into the energy running through your body and preserve it in order to release at the right moment. 

The Shaolin Master like a monk, has respect for all things 

You are being guided to flow like a water, blow like air and connect with your purest intensions, don't feel you need to rush ahead, Gentler approach will be more fruitful and rewarding. More with subtlety and grace. Reach high and also ask yourself, how you can move with the flow of life, rather than pushing against it. Do you have the capacity to refocus your gaze at this time? Can you slow down? or take more time, soften and breathe as you move forward? All of this will be incredibly beneficial for what happens next?


Angels and Ancestors, Kyle Gray,
Star Ancestor - Shaolin Master - Sun

Sun is from the Warrior Symbols part of the deck.


Enjoy success and happiness

   Know that the doors are opening for you, follow up new projects, ventures and new ideas. Connect with the inner fire, that's driving you forward.

The sun has long been associated with the energy of success. It's the most powerful planet in the solar system (solar referring to the sun ) so ofcourse when the sun card appears in a reading, it'll bring power, success and light 
You are being surrounded by the brightens of the sun at this moment..  Opportunities to feel and be successful are swirling and dancing around you.

Relationships and friendships progress with joy and you'll feel happy and uplifted. If you are not somewhere bright and sunny now, there will be other ways in which you can enjoy warmth and joy.

Solar energy brings health and vitality, and can energise and warm.It also encourages everything to grow, the energy of expansion is with you at this time and you are being offered the perfect opportunity to move forward. If you want to bring something to  life or ready to take a new step, in a relationship, the sun will bring the right energy you. If you are asking a question the answer is most definitely yes! 

Deck Used Here

Kyle Gray Angels & Ancestors