The Star When this card appears it means you lost all your hopes on everything, you no longer believe that things are gonna be ok, but The Star is telling you don't lose all your hopes, you have got the strength to go through this certain times, trust and believe yourself. Take this card as your renewal period, and there'll be a prize at the end, Sometimes you need to go through hardships to be able value things. In those hardships all we need is an encouragement
Yes The star is telling you there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but it doesn't give you false hopes, it tells you there'll be bad times before you reach to good times. Life is not bed of roses, life is full of good and bad times, when you understand & accept to learn this, you'll learn to be happy in life, Life is about hopes. You need to be more confident. Everything will change gradually, Star tells you either you achieved your goals by going through hardships, or you have to go through hardships to achieve your goals Know that you are special, luck is just around the corner. Stars shining bright above you Night breezes seem to whisper "I Love You" Birds singing in the sycamore trees Dream a little dream of me Dream a little Dream Nat King Cole Deck Used Here Golden Tarot of Klimt |
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