30 October 2018

Queen of Cups - Zombie Tarot

 Queen of Cups - Zombie Tarot 

Queen of Cups is an understanding, caring, sensitive, soft hearted, loving woman.

She's an empathic, she can connect with people on emotional level, she's honest and fair, so people love that side of her.

Queen of Cups tells you don't hide on your own shell, go out, don't be afraid what people tell, talk about you, the words aiming to hurt you will return back to its owner sooner and later

Don't be shameful for who you are, for what you like. 
Trust yourself, have a little more self confidence..  
Learn to love yourself, to be more happy in life. 

 Queen of Cups - Zombie Tarot 
Queen of Cups reminding us that we are worth of things,
We are worth of Love
We are worth of compassion
. No matter who you are,  where you are, you are worthy of love and respect.

Queen of Cups indicates a female energy, who is supportive / will come to your help to support you, / will guide to get the right support,  or who has been supportive in your life through out the years (mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, best friend, someone like a mother, a motherly figure) 

Queen of Cups also indicates a woman who was very helpful to you & will be very helpful to you,  This may not be the same person who had been supportive & helpful to you,  but you'll receive help  / support from a female figure. 

Things seem better in work environment when you pull up Queen of Cups 
Think positively. so that you'll call & attract positive energies.

If you are single and ready for love, go ahead, and try your chance with a like minded person.  

Something might be coming to your way :) 

Keep track of other things going on in your life not just love. 

Queen of cups brings good news when the subject is economics & finances.  Expect some positive news, regarding to finances.

If you are experiencing health issues, you need to learn to forgive, & love your body..    

Universe has its own healing energy.   Your body has done nothing bad to you, you are the one who was cruel to your body...
. Be open to all kinds energies of life and feel the love flowing all around you., You might have spiritual experiences around these times, (Nopes not because tomorrow is Halloween) 

A woman a female figure that you know, will help you to understand about spirituality & spiritualism and your own gifts.  They will lead you in to deeper things that you are not familiar with.  

Generally Queen of Cups has a powerful intuition, we call Queen of Cups a mirror just like High Priestess.  

Queen of Cups can also represents your trusted inner voice. . 

She's telling you that you need take time and focus on your emotional health, which is also connected to your mental health. 

Deck Used Here

Zombie Tarot