10 October 2018

Keepers Of The Light - Sanat Kumara

Keepers Of The Light - Sanat Kumara- Angels & Ancestors Winter
Keepers Of The Light - Sanat Kumara- Angels & Ancestors Winter 

Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara is an "advanced being" at the ninth level of initiation who is regarded as the Lord or Regent of Earth and the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth who dwells in Shamballah , a city said by Theosophists and those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings to be a floating city on the etheric plane above the Gobi Desert .

You are here to light up the world. You may feel that you are being pushed or that there is a lot going on at once, and this is because your energy is magnetic to others and they want it in their life. Take the time to listen to your inner voice. Remember the cosmic light of heaven and draw it into you. That is all you need to do to inspire the world.


Keepers Of The Light - Sanat Kumara- Angels & Ancestors Winter
Keepers Of The Light - Sanat Kumara- Angels & Ancestors Winter 

Do everything you need to be at your best. Then move beyond your fears and limitations.

For many of the animal realm, winter is a time of hibernation and retreat. You may wish to curl up in a ball too. But although you may not feel as bright as you'd like to be, a primal force within encouraging you to continue.

The winter card features a wolf, one of few animals that stay active for all year around, wolves know what it's to work alone or thrive within a pack, so if you if feel you need to go alone at this time, know that wolf medicine will help you move beyond your insecurities and relax on your own space.

You have an opportunity to move beyond your fears & insecurities. Although you may feel in dark, get comfortable being in the unknown and trust that the light within you will sustain you through what you may seen a challenging project.

Ask yourself what you need to do to feel supported and alive, you may uncover something from your past that you have buried deep.

Know that when you unearth it & shed light on it, you create space for miracles.

You may feel like a lone wolf right now, but it's time for you to be the alpha.

The coming winter will usher in important energies with regards to your questions or intensions