
Revealed by The Letters - Bet

Revealed by The Letters - Bet
Revealed by The Letters - Bet

This card tells us that We've been greedy lately, oh yes it was Cyber Monday yesterday & Black Friday on Friday, means we have been over spending. 

I did the same bought stuff that I don't need but I fancied, nothing related to Tarots though.

Being greedy for material things is not a good thing, it separates us from out social & family life.
Revealed by The Letters - Bet
Revealed by The Letters - Bet
It is being overly possessive, it's being pleasure seeking, although there's nothing wrong to seek pleasure if you know the limit, where to stop..

It creates desire to act alone, breaking your communication with outside world

Probably you don't want to share things with others when you are on this mode

You are also being possessive in relationship

You enter into relationships just to satisfy yourself, just to show off others that you can get the best guy / girl in town etc.

Don't have relationships, friendships and life motto based on material things
Use Black Tourmaline to help you disconnect from your self-obsessive behaviour and promote positive self-love.

Revealed by The Letters - Bet
Revealed by The Letters - Bet

It is being overly possessive, it's being pleasure seeking, although there's nothing wrong to seek pleasure if you know the limit, where to stop..

It creates desire to act alone, breaking your communication with outside world. 

Probably you don't want to share things with others when you are on this mode. 

You enter into relationships just to satisfy yourself, just to show off others that you can get the best guy / girl in town etc.

You are also being possessive in relationships

Don't have relationships, friendships and life motto based on material things.

Use Black Tourmaline to help you disconnect from your self-obsessive behaviour and promote positive self-love.