“Each initiate has their own unique spiritual blueprint with particular skills, talents and higher destinies unfolding that are their unique attributes.” Part of your spiritual blueprint is a special relationship to the energies of the goddess."
This means not only you have an important spiritual task to do.
You are protected by The Spiritual Guidance and Protection of the Divine Feminine, and part of your destiny in this life is to heal and flourish through the Divine Feminine in her many forms, especially if these forms truly resonates you.
Your soul intertwines with the divine feminine energies.
For some these energies, goddesses will be a specific goddess or an energy, and this connection will be deeper than the others.
Isis Oracle - Knot of Isis
It's a personal & spiritual deeply powerful experience
When you connect with a specific goddess or an energy you won't be losing your individual personality, you'll experience the goddess
For others they'll experience the sense of The Divine Feminine Energy in many forms.
Others will not be able to experience a specific goddess or an energy, They'll know whether it's a male or female energy.
Your task is to love
The Knot of Isis protects, guides & stabilises your energy field.
It's a spiritual growth, also your body & mind grows with this spiritual growth
You need to rest, meditate, swim, spend time with nature, work with your crystals .
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