
Revealed by The Letters - Mem

Revealed by The Letters - Mem
Revealed by The Letters - Mem


The change will require you engage your adjusting skills for a bit and go with the circumstances.,

You need to give up your personal desires, (remember Tuesday's card it was telling you to stop being greedy) 

Before doing anything you need to think of other people's emotions, before doing anything think of the future.

You’ve been pushing yourself too hard, by thinking that you are not  perfect,” which are in your imagination. 

You’re doing the best you can in the circumstances you’re dealing with..

A major change brings you great blessings.

Although you might feel down but it's for your own best and it's encouraging you to change
The changes in your life are actually helping you leave behind that which no longer serves you.
The key is to keep breathing and enjoy the changes, even if they’re intimidating.

Revealed by The Letters - Mem
Revealed by The Letters - Mem

Be good to yourself and give a break of this pitying, slow down.

Stop unhealthy relationships, if you are surrounded by energy vampires it won't do you any good

 You need eat a more healthy diet 

Avoid chemicals in your food and environment (eat organic food not ready meals or pot noodles)

• Get more sleep ( find a solution to your insomnia, don't drink tea,  coffee, couple of hours before you go to bed, instead have some hot choco or some herbal tea)

Take a hot shower, to relax your muscles

Speak  lovely about yourself, repeat I am lovely, I am good, I am beautiful and I worthy of things. 

Spend some quiet time alone.