
Crystal Mandala Oracle - Archangel Remiel & Aragonite

Crystal Mandala Oracle - Archangel Remiel & Aragonit
Crystal Mandala Oracle - Archangel Remiel & Aragonit

Archangel Remiel is both a fallen Watcher and an archangel in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. Ramiel means "thunder of God" from the Hebrew elements ra'am and El, "God". Ramiel is the archangel of hope, and he is credited with two tasks: he is responsible for divine visions, and he guides the souls of the faithful into Heaven. 

Archangel Remiel is the angel who brings souls to judgment,  

Remiel means God raises 

Crystal Mandala Oracle - Archangel Remiel & Aragonite

Crystal Mandala Oracle - Archangel Remiel & Aragonit

Remiel is the angel in charge of souls on their way to heaven. 

Remiel has two tasks 

a) Responsible from True Divine 
b) He's responsible for guiding the souls to heaven.  

Number 4 represents passion and ambition.

Number 4 means hard work and determination.

Aragonite helps out balancing your emotions and helps you overcome stress, anxiety and depression.

Aragonite heals you emotionally and spiritually

You need to sit, relax and think of what do you need lately? 
Do you need a break for an hour, day, week, month?
Do you need to change your life style?
Do you need to change your eating habits?
Do you want to change your well-being?
Do you want to switch off your over active brain?
Do you want to stop your anxiety and depression?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself and decide...

Take it slow and make it first step, first steps are always
If you want to manifest your dreams, you need to work hard.
Don't get distracted by your fears. 

When someone is blessed with gifts someone else also needs to take care and have responsibility for them .

You need to know to rest.   Rest your body, mind & soul. 

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Crystal Mandala Oracle