
Summer - Magical Messages From The Fairies

 Summer -  Magical Messages From Faires

Summer is all about you are being curious about when will your dreams, prayers, wishes, desire will manifest. 

Have you been worrying again? 

Don't worry Fairies are telling you they have heard your prayers, they are assuring you that timing is important, you need to be patient and wait for the summer time.  

You'll realise your real true dreams in summer time.  

 The fairies want you to know that if you go out to nature you can connect with them. 

They are there to help. 

You need to be more open minded, after that you can hear and connect with them. 

 Summer -  Magical Messages From Faires

Your wishes, and prayers are not always answered in direct ways, sometimes they are answered indirectly, you just don't see it. 

 Have faith and all will be well.

You need to be patient and don't stop sending out positive energy,

Remmeber it's your feelings, your dreams, you need to send positive vibes to get positive energy.  

Don't let your ego took over you.   If you want this to happen, stay focused. 

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Magical Messages From The Fairies