
The Green Witch Tarot - The Holly King

The Green Witch Tarot - The Holly King
 The Green Witch Tarot - The Holly King

Only you, you can help yourself, with this way you can understand the others better

:Like Hermit you are searching for knowledge, answers to your questions...  

You need to disconnect yourself from outer world for a bit to find the answers..

Like 2 of Pentacles on Wednesday told us, it's not a time to throw out money 
 The Green Witch Tarot - The Holly King
 The Green Witch Tarot - The Holly King

Have time for your own self, whether this is doing your nails, filling the tub with oils & salts and have a long good old bath.    

But give time for yourself and only you....

This time is for your spiritual growth

Don't push yourself to be social, to be out etc.  

You want to be alone lately all by yourself.   

Don\t afraid, don't be scared to be alone, take this as a chance, 

Take this as a time for detox,  a time to clear your mind, decluttering.

It's time to find your true self.

The Hermit also means that you'll meet someone soon and that person will be mentoring you.

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The Green Witch