
Wolf-Power Animal Cards Oracle

Wolf-Power Animal Cards Oracle
Wolf-Power Animal Cards Oracle

Wolf as Guardian Spirit Animal is there to protect you. 

Wolf as an animal spirit is there to heal your wounds, from whatever hurt you in the past.

They'll be physical, emotional & psyhic barriers for you.
You are moved into illusion of safety,
It's time to trust that spirits there for you to help whenever you need them. .

Wolves are animals who are strong and very royal.  
Wolves are good communicators,  they touch, they do eye contact. and they are very vocal. 

Wolf-Power Animal Cards Oracle
Wolf-Power Animal Cards Oracle

Wolves are known as their

Sharp intelligence, deep connection with instincts
Appetite for freedom
Expression of strong instincts
Feeling threatened, lack of trust in someone or in yourself

Wolfs are noble creatures.

In Norse mythology, the Wolf is a symbol for victory when ridden by Odin.

In Celtic symbols, the Wolf was a source of lunar power

In Asia, the wolf guards the doors that allow entrance to heavenly, celestial realms.

You might be a person who prefers to be a lone wolf 

( A lone wolf is an animal or person that generally lives or spends time alone instead of with a group.,  

The term originates from wolf behaviour. 

Normally a pack animal, wolves that have left or been excluded from their pack are described as lone wolves.)

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Power Animal Cards