
Angels & Ancestors - Stag

Angels & Ancestors - Stag
Angels & Ancestors - Stag 

Stag is telling you that beautiful warm-hearted person and you need to spend some time outdoors, don't be trapped indoors all day

You need to trust yourself, (don't be insecure) 

You have all the gifts,

You were born to be a leader, leading others into the right direction 

Stags energy allow you to feel secure.

You are being encouraged to retrain your dignity and be proud of who you are. 

Angels & Ancestors - Stag
Angels & Ancestors - Stag 

Stag is associated with


Going through though times in life, and over coming obstacles with grace

Never loosing their inner child and innocence 

Being sensitive and intuitive

Changing directions quickly 

In Celtic tradition there were two aspects of the deer: the feminine element, Eilid, the female red deer,

According to legend, deer called men from the kingdom of the fairies to free them from the earthy trappings.  

There was also Damh, the masculine element, which was also related to the sacred and to forests, independence, purification and pride. 

The stag is the king of the forest, the protector o all other creatures.

In North America, the deer was a messenger, animal power and totem for sensitivity .
In Buddhism, deer symbolises harmony, happiness, peace and longevity. 

For Huichol people ,(Shamanic prehispanic tripe from Mexico)  the deer is an animal that translates the language of the gods for men. 

For them deer is the first shaman that later becomes 

For the huicholes, the deer is the first shaman that later becomes involved in conversation between the shamans and other gods. 

A Deer is soft and gentle animal but its also strong and determined. 

Cherokee legend tells us 

There is a Cherokee legend that tells how the deer procured its antlers after winning a race against a rabbit.  (you can read the story here http://speakcherokee.blogspot.com/2012/06/deer-and-rabbit-race-for-crown.html )

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Angels & Ancestors 

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