26 February 2019

Call - The Good Tarot

Call - The Good Tarot
Call - The Good Tarot 

You've accomplished great things in your life and you need to be proud of those accomplishments.

“You have accomplished a great deal in your life, and you have much to be proud of. Now it is time to decide on your next accomplishment, what do you want to do next?

Do not be distracted by ordinary thoughts,/ typical thoughts that may distract your from your own goals, .Be the real you!”

“This is a very important moment in your life. Whatever happened in the past until now it was to help you to understand who really you are.

Your future steps will define your fate, It's you choice, your life, all in your hands.

Be an optimistic person and have control of your life.

Call - The Good Tarot
Call - The Good Tarot 

Break from old habits, and chose a new direction for the rest of your life.

You need to Discover your life purpose

You are an individual, you need to accept yourself as who you are, 


Don't deceive yourself.

You need to objective and stop under estimating yourself. .

The Judgement also indicates awakening
You can make your wishes to come true, just be honest and cut all unwanted ties, declutter and start making small changes in your life.

Now you have a clear idea what you want and how you want to direct your life. 

But don't forget that you need to be honest to yourself.
Feeling sorry for yourself will never help you.  
Release yourself, Try new ideas, a new job, or maybe move far away and start again.

This is your awakening for the higher purpose in your life.

You'll be able to discriminate and make wise choices.
Judgment represents the choice to move beyond the limitations of the past.

Judgment often indicates a time of awakening, a knowingness that is beyond those around you.

This card is about listening to your higher self.

In Tarot Judgment card represents removing your old self from restrictions and celebrate new you and self-worth.

When you draw the judgment card, it indicates you already had, or will have, manifested to free yourself from your chains.

You'll realize about the changes you need to make in your life in time.

It's in your path and destiny.

You are being asked to toss the old models of yourself and create a new you, and start a new step as new you, yourself as you move to the next stage in your life and rise above from past the old and outdated self.

Judgment is card number 20 in the Tarot, which reduces to 2. The number 2 is about balancing polarities. Other cards with the number 2 are High Priestess (2) and Justice (11).

Deck Used Here

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