22 February 2019

Fire Opal - Sensuality - Angel Dreams

Fire Opal - Sensuality - Doreen Virtue- Angel Dreams 

Fire Opal: “Sensuality and Confidence”

“Fire Opal’s energy opens the channels to creativity, passion, confidence, and sensuality. This is the time to connect with pleasure by blending more love into your experience. Let go of any shyness, fear, or shame holding you back. Allow yourself greater enjoyment by releasing self conscious feelings. This gem resonates with your sacral chakra, which relates to physical desires.

Fire Opal 

This card encourages you to do things that help you to feel sensual. Listen to music, light candles, burn incense, wear red, or decorate your bedroom – anything that sets the mood. Your self confidence will grow when you allow your sensuality to be unleashed.

Archangels Haniel and Ariel are associated with this symbol. Stimulate your creative self expression through the balancing of your yin and yang (or male and female) energies. Feel confident in our abilities. They will help many people. Meditate on fire opal, giving free rein to your curiosity, sense of discovery, artistic creativity, and physical energy. It is time to check the health of your circulatory and nervous systems.”

Deck Used here 
Angel Dreams

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