
Little Brother, Little Sister - Oracle of Shape Shifters

Little Brother, Little Sister - Oracle of Shape Shifters
Little Brother, Little Sister - Oracle of Shape Shifters
 Little Brother, Little Sister is the card for those of us who have responsibility of looking after others it seemed to need more than we do. 

Having to take care of someone can be a chore., especially when it's expected of us and we are not paid for it.

But it's important when we, as older ones, are called on the care for those who are more vulnerable, who have less sense and who need more care than we do. 

And this is what this card is about. 

The card is telling you that the time is coming, when people are needy and ask for a great deal from you. 

You may need to care for an animal, you may need to care for little ones in the family or to be peer at school and have younger students to rely on you. 

These beings are not experienced as you, and they truly will be relying on you, to know where to go, what to do, at what time and to keep safe 

They also maybe difficult to care, to keep an eye, not showing up on time, hiding from you or refusing to do what they are asked

It's important to remember that in these circumstances you are an elder, a wise one, no matter what your actual age is 

You have responsibility and power


Little Brother, Little Sister - Oracle of Shape Shifters
Little Brother, Little Sister - Oracle of Shape Shifters

Little Brother, Little Sister Speak

It can be fun to look after us, we play, we are curious, we always want to know what's going on, what's going around? 

We need your help until we learn things, what to and when to do.

We may not know ought to bed, stop eating chocolate or do our chores 
We can tell that you are not out parents, but since you are looking after us, we can test you 

It will look like we are playing, but we are seeing how much of what you say,  you mean, whether you'll follow with your word., whether you are to be trusted, and whether you are strong enough to take care of us 

We know it's not easy to take care of us, 

We take up a lot of space, we need care, we make you responsible and you may feel older and less care free than you want to be.   
But there's a purpose on all this, it's for you to learn your strengths and weaknesses, 

It's for you to show others, that you can take responsibility and you are strong, and you hand handle difficult things.

This card tells us of, we might have great responsibilities involving younger members of our family. 

It's a time that everyone is excepting you to be responsible, more mature as, now you are in a career, parental role, it may not be something you have asked or even wanted.

This a great opportunity for you to show you that you have matured, and you'll learn to lead, you'll show authority and set boundaries as you inspire. 

Focus on happy and joyful moments and do your best to release stress and tension. 

Deck Used

Oracle of Shapeshifters 

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