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Owl - Animal Messages

Owl - Animal Messages
Owl - Animal Messages

Owls love to sit quietly and enjoy observing their surroundings

Drawing Owl tells us that we need remove ourselves from attachments, from things that's disturbing us and just observe. 

It'll give you the opportunity to see the things you have missed before
Such as you can see who's your true friend or not, people’s motives may now become clear to you. You can see the to the truth and meaning hidden beneath from their external appearances...

Owl guides you to see the deception & illusion..  It helps you to see what's been kept hidden. . 

If owl is your spirit animal, it means you have strong intuition and can access information and wisdom that’s usually hidden to most. 

Owl encourages you to look beyond deceiving appearances into a situation or a person’s motives.

Owls are asking you to give your decisions based solid foundations. 

You may be going through difficult & confusing times.

If you have owl as an animal spirit you most probably enjoy exploring the unknown. mysteries etc.

Owl - Animal Messages
Owl - Animal Messages

When owl shows in a reading it is asking you to listen and look out for signs around you. 
When the owl shows up in your life, listen and look out for the subtle signs that are around you..

People with Owl Spirit Animal are excellent communicators, & they strong sense of honour

Owl is asking you to be a little more intuitive. 

Focus on your intuitive. energy at nights like owls do.

In many traditions. Owl spirit animals are symbol of death. 

 Birds of the night, are associated with departed souls. and The owl is no exception. in some cultures they are considered as bad omen signifying the imminent death of a close relative or someone important. 

Romans even believed that an owl hooting from roof of a public building announces the death of an important public figure., from a roof of a building represents death of a family / friend / person living in that building.

In  Aztec tradition, owls were  animal associated with the Lord of Death 

Owl is regarded as a conjuror who is silent and fierce, and who foretells the oncoming of death.

If owls utters a hoot in your dream, it means disappointments and death or some illness 

In Celtic mythology owls are also associated with bringing news  of / announcing death, especially if it flies into someone’s window while a sick person is inside the house. It was viewed as Owl would carry their souls of the departed to the underworld

Owl - Animal Messages
Barn Owl 

 Celts and Egyptians regarded Owl as a gatekeeper.

However it doesn't always represents / symbolises actual / physical death. 

You can also take it as a change

Giving up old habits, getting rid of stuff that no longer serves you etc.

Native Americans refer to the Owl as a Night Eagle because of its vision. 

When you dream of an owl, it might be telling you let it go..   

If an Owl is trying to peck your eyes out in a dream, it means that you are lack of insight.  You need to wake up and see it.  

It also means you are avoiding issues and people around you 

In Celtic mythology Owls knew the way to do underworld and they were defenders of honour and truth, 

Owls don't tolerate deception and even when we are trying to deceive ourselves

Also again according to the Celtic mythology Owls are tied to Venus (the ancient Goddess of fertility.)
Native Americans believes that Owls represent sacred knowledge. 

You have the opportunity to become observant.
In Native American Astrology, people born May 21 – June 21 (Southern Hemisphere) & November 22 – December 21 (Northern Hemisphere) are born under the sign of the Owl.

The owl was a symbol for Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategy, before the Greeks gave their pantheon human forms (The 12 Olympians). According to Greek Mythology an owl sat on Athena's blind side, so that she could see the whole truth. In Ancient Greece, the owl was a symbol of a higher wisdom, and it was also a guardian of the Acropolis.

Owl Symbolic Meanings Key

 Ability to see what others do not see
True Seeing




Ancient Wisdom

Power of Silence

Attention to Details

Seeing the Big Picture
he traditional meaning of the owl spirit animal is the announcer of death, most likely symbolic like a life transition, change

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Animal Messages