
Simplicity-Magical Unicorns

Simplicity-Magical Unicorns
Simplicity-Magical Unicorns

Simplicity – Put your energy into the basics and let go of excess.

Your life has become so complex that you are feeling totally drained and depressed about what is happening in certain areas.

This card is about simplifying your life, and going back to basics. "TIME TO DECLUTTER" just throw out your excess baggage, both physically, mentally & emotionally.

First you need to decide on what you really want and then concentrate and focus on that particular subject. Don't focus on too many subjects at the same time, it becomes complicated and you waste your energy, instead of focusing on one subject.

Many people have been swooned by the materialistic world and they don't know what they desire.

Simplicity-Magical Unicorns
 Simplicity-Magical Unicorns

You don't have to be swimming in money pool to be happy, you don't need to have designer items look chick, you do this with the little you have.

Learn to be happy with what you have

Maybe you were working on a certain project and that made you stressful and as it got complicated?

The old saying “less is more” is very appropriate to describe your life right now. Get rid of the excess baggage so that you feel light and happy.

It’s time to clear out and clean out and simplify your life wherever you can.

Take some time and write down your top 5 priorities and then rank them from 1-5.

You don’t always have to try to do everything yourself!

You can always ask for help

You can ask help from your loved ones, your family, you friends.

Simplicity from Magical Unicorns - Go back to basics...

What do you love to do?

What brings you joy?

What do you want to stop doing?

What is no longer serving you ?

What can you let go off?

Learn to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and bring back in what lights up your soul.

The Present Moment is where we have the power. The place where we can direct and create our own happiness. 💝 

Obladi Oblada life goes on brahhh
Lala how the life goes on

 All becomes clearer when we step back and simply observe. 🦄🧜🏼‍♀️

 No rush. No hurry. No Worries.

Take it slowly and give the right decision

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Magical Unicorns

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