13 March 2019

Butterfly oracle cards - Seeking and finding

Butterfly oracle cards - Seeking and finding
Butterfly oracle cards - Seeking and finding

Like a butterfly flying from flower to flower, you are searching for what's next. 

This card reassures you that you'll find what you are looking for. 

Hold the vision of success, experience the excitement of the process, and feel fulfilment as if everything has already been accomplished. 
Keep calling upon the guidance of God and the angels to lead you in the best direction.

Butterfly oracle cards - Seeking and finding
Butterfly oracle cards - Seeking and finding

Look within yourself to find great love and beauty. 

Don't draw fear onto your path by worrying about what will come. 

Put only love into any thoughts and feelings you have about the future. 
Trust that everything that is rightly yours already belongs to you spiritually. 

Anything you are seeking is seeking you, also, have faith and open your arms to receive.

Like the butterfly flying from flower to flower, you are searching for what's next.
This card reassures you that you'll find what you are looking for.

Hold the vision of success, experience the excitement of the process, and feel fulfilment as 

if everything has already been accomplished.

Keep calling out for guidance of God and the Angels to lead you in the best direction.

Look within yourself to find great love and beauty.

Don't draw fear into your path by worrying about what will come. 

Put only love into any thoughts and feelings you have about the future.

Trust that everything that is rightly yours already belongs to you Spiritually.

Anything that you are seeking is seeking you also, have faith and open your arms to receive.

This card is equivalent to the death card in tarot card, a symbol of change. 

This card is telling use universe is giving us the answers we seek when we actually ask from universe.
We often find them repeated three times for validation. Trust the universe, you are being guided and you'll find what you want when the time is right.
Keep calling out for guidance from the Angels to lead you in the best direction.
Have faith and open your arms to receive."
Don't draw fear into your path by worrying about what will come. Put only love into any thoughts and feelings you have about the future.

Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be

  • Reunion with a long-lost loved one

  • Discovering your Divine life purpose

  • Meeting your soul mate

  • Meditation

  • Deck Used Here 

    Butterfly Oracle Cards

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