07 March 2019

Outdoors - Archangel Oracle

Outdoors - Archangel Oracle
Outdoors - Archangel Oracle

Go outside, take some fresh air, and connect with nature to relieve stress and gain new creative ideas.
Connecting with nature helps synchronise your rhythm to the universal heart beat.

In this way your natural timing improves so that you are in the right place at the right time.

Being in the nature renews your sprit and revives your energy levels.

Go out every single day, even if takes a little effort on your part. 

Once you are in the nature and smell the beautiful trees, plants, flowers and deserve the glorious beauty.

Outdoors - Archangel Oracle
Outdoors - Archangel Oracle

Archangel Jophiel teaches us to discover ourselves.

Jophiel asks us to spend more time outside , go out be in nature, smell the beautiful flowers, plants, trees and discover the beauty of nature. 

Jophiel coordinates a team of angels who see each vision through to physical manifestation.  Paschar (Paschar, Angel of Vision. This  guards the veil between our world and the heavens, between consciousness and unconsciousness, between awareness and illusion) 
receives the vision and projects it on to 

Jamearah (Jamaerah is responsible for assisting us in achieving our heart's desires).who adds detail and forms it. 

After that it's Iofiel's turn ( Archangel Iofiel – also known as the divine angel of law and justice. Firstly, his name means “Beauty Of God”). 

Galgaliel charges, and vibrates it magnetic energy( Guardian Angel Galgaliel is the divine angel of vibrations) 

Micah adds emotional depth.(Micah is Angel of Unity, the son of Archangel Michael. Micah and his legions serve to guard the unity ) 

Shekinah holds us in the presence.(Shekinah Archangel of dwelling and settling) Jophiel helps us receive the vision. 

 Ongkanon(Ongkanon is God’s messenger who offers love and guidance as you progress on your pathway) assists with clear communication.

After Winter, comes summer.  The sun, light, warmth, hope, animals waking up from their sleep, plants are full of flowers. 

When we are in darkness lost,  hope we can't see the bigger picture. 

We easily forget there's always a bright light in every darkness.

When we are in darkness we often lose sight of the bigger picture. We can easily forget

The sun is rising for you now, darkness is gone bright new world is waiting you.

Pay attention to awakenings, realizations, ideas, answers and inspirations. All the answers you have been looking for are revealing themselves to you now.

“Now is the time to have great faith and hope!

The most important element for your success is believing in yourself. 
Don't forget 

  • A dream may come true. 

  • Renewed purpose. 

  • Following your intuition. 

  • Faith in yourself.

  • Smile tho' your heart is aching
    Smile even tho' it's breaking
    When there are clouds in the sky
    You'll get by
    If you smile
    Thro' your fear and sorrow
    Smile and maybe tomorrow
    You'll see the sun come shin-ing thro' for you
    Light up your face with gladness
    Hide ev-'ry trace of sadness
    Altho' a tear may be ever so near
    That's the time
    You must keep on trying
    Smile, what's the use of crying
    You'll find that life is still worth-while
    If you just smile

    Archangel Jophiel’s name means “the beauty of God.” She excels at beautifying any situation or challenge that has arisen. You can also call upon Archangel Jophiel in times of joy and gratitude to help you anchor in your heart the positive energy of that moment.”

    Deck Used Here 

    Archangel Oracle