01 March 2019

Angel Dreams - Winter

Angel Dreams - Winter
Angel Dreams - Winter


This card is asking you to take moment to retreat inside to discover the truth about the matter at hand and what steps you need to take.

Do not move into action.

Angel Dreams - Winter
Angel Dreams - Winter

It is time to draw your energies inward for introspection and reflection. Keep any plans for projects you are thinking about on the shelf.

Winter heralds the dying off of that which does not serve you.
The leaves of a tree are shed in order to make room for Spring's buds.
You, too, need this rest time to release the Old. With this release, you allow the new to bloom when the timing is right.

  • Archangel Jeremiel

  • Archangel Haniel

  • Archangel Jophiel

  • are associated with this symbol 

  • The old dying off; allow the time needed for this transition

  • Incubate your plans, ideas and energy until it's the best moment to share them

  • Work with the crone / sage aspect of yourself in order to impact wisdom, compassion and the truth.

  • Enjoy a life review, reflect back on your past to appreciate the lessons you have gained 

  • Time to pause, not a good time for action, timing is important, keep your plans for another time / day 

  • Don't act harshly, think twice before you make your next move. 

  • Sometimes it's best to wait people to show their true colours, or wait until you see the end of the tunnel. 

  • Declutter, get rid of things that you don't need. (funny enough I just cleaned up the stuff I no longer use, chuck out the boxes etc, throw out the jewellery that I no longer use, prepared 2 bag for charity, did a huge organisation on makeup brushes etc) 

    Release all the negative energy, get rid of people who no longer serves you ..  Whether friends, whether colleagues, boy friend, husband, partner etc.   

    While on the surface things may appear dead, but on the ground, roots are starting to flower. 

    Stay strong and prepare for a new beginning, patiently

    Deck Used Here

    Angel Dreams

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