04 March 2019

Daily Guidance from Your Angels Reward Yourself

Daily Guidance from Your Angels  Reward Yourself
Daily Guidance from Your Angels  Reward Yourself

"You' have been giving a lot of yourself lately, and it' s time for you to receive.

Make the time to reward yourself in a meaningful way. 

This balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy, mood, and motivation at a consistent high levels

You drew this card because it's time to reward yourself for all your hard work. 

Everyone needs rewards and you' re no exception.

A treat will boost your energy, mood and motivation.

Invest on yourself and make time for yourself care today.

Daily Guidance from Your Angels  Reward Yourself
Daily Guidance from Your Angels  Reward Yourself

Give yourself a much desired item, trip or service and notice how your inner child bloom with joy from this loving attention.

  • Take a day off from work if you can.

  • Splurge on a treat for yourself.

  • Balance giving and receiving.

  • Make sure you are allowing yourself to receive.

  • Appreciate all that you have done.

  • Time to reward yourself for all of your hard work you have done,

     Everyone needs rewards, and you’re no exception. 

    A small treat will boost your energy, mood, and motivation.

     Invest in yourself and make time for yourself today.

    Gift yourself a much desire item

    When giving to other becomes your daily routine, it is time to step back and think of how much you have done for others and how much you have done for yourself.

    Find the balance and give some time to yourself.

    Recharge your batteries and first of almost look after yourself. . 

    You can have a hair do, a massage, manicure - pedicure, fill your bath tub with your favourite oils and bath bombs, go for a massage, go for a small trip, dinner, reading a book, having a bottle of wine, or buying an item that you really want, (maybe  your favourite lipstick from MAC Cosmetics, the famous red lippie Ruby Woo or Russian Red)  watching your favourite dramas on Netflix, spending time in nature., anything else YOU enjoy. As long as it’s for you!

    Rewarding ourselves is necessary, it's not being selfish (Remmeber my reading on Thursday with Archangel Raphael,  Archangel Raphael also advised you to take time for yourself and go for a massage or treatment, you can Read the Thursday's message from Archangel Raphael through the link Massage Archangel Raphael

    If you find it difficult to reward yourself, ask your angel to help.

    The Angels are very proud of you for what you accomplished so far.

    Congratulation you have done a fantastic job!!!

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    Daily Guidance from Your Angels

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