23 April 2019

Celtic Dragon Tarot - Two of Cups

Celtic Dragon Tarot - Two of Cups
Celtic Dragon Tarot - Two of Cups
Two of Cups is about partnership, it doesn't necessarily mean romantic partnerships. 

It might be about friendships, beginning of a union (romantically or business)
It's a strong connection.

All your efforts will be appreciated in your work environment.

Financially it also means balance, maybe the cards are asking you balance your expenditure, and save some of the money you receive, earn. 

Celtic Dragon Tarot - Two of Cups
Celtic Dragon Tarot - Two of Cups
If you are having health issues, please find the right doctor or healer (if you are into alternative medicine), I can't tell you to go and use services of a healer because it'd be wrong, consult a medical doctor and maybe you can also use alternative medicine, but please don't take any medicines before consulting to your medical doctor. 

You are in a more loving, caring mode, this cards represents heart chakra. 
Two of cups is one of the most positive cards out of all the 78 cards 

It might mean a collaboration, 

  Deck Used Here 

Celtic Dragon Tarot 

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