20 May 2019

9 of Swords - Animal Totem Tarot

 9 of Swords  - Animal Totem Tarot
 9 of Swords  - Animal Totem Tarot

The Nine of Swords is often associated with fear and anxiety.

  It's all about all the fears, anxieties, worries, that keeps your brain ticking and  keeps you awake, which makes you losing your sleep.

Nine of swords can be be associated with traumas ( childhood or an adulthood), and all the fears and anxieties related to this..

The Nine of Swords is a troublesome card and causes nightmares.

The Suit of Swords are associated with mind, communication, logic & intelligence but The Nine of Swords is the most destructive one....

9 Swords keeps you questioning why that happened to me, what have I done wrong?  and all the other things might have / can happen to you..

9 Swords always catches you when you are off guard.

9 of Swords  - Animal Totem Tarot
9 of Swords  - Animal Totem Tarot

You keep questioning and almost haunted by these.

9 of Swords tells us our anxieties can cause paranoia..

Because of your fears & anxieties you isolated yourself and you pushed people away..

In this state it's difficult for you to find a solution to your problem

Maybe finding someone that you are comfortable to speak with will solve half your even a tiny a bit of your problems

Worrying about things is not going to help you at this stage, best to stop overly worrying, I know it's easier said than being done, just try to be a little bit positive.

If your anxieties are related with love, listen to your gut feelings and your are likely correct.

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