14 May 2019

A Blessing To Heal A Relationship - Blessed Be Oracle Deck

A Blessing To Heal A Relationship - Blessed Be Oracle Deck
A Blessing To Heal A Relationship - Blessed Be Oracle Deck

A Blessing To Heal A Relationship

A blessing to aid you when a relationship to be a struggle, and you can't find away to mend your broken heart

This blessing is yours a change of energy with which you can reweave that once gently hold in suspend relationship

Once there was understanding & intimacy, ease and comfort, but for a while now there may have been trouble and discort a sense of displeasure that stains the days , making the time you spend uncomfortable and self conscious

So, take now this blessing , and pour it upon the troubled waters between you

A Blessing To Heal A Relationship - Blessed Be Oracle Deck
A Blessing To Heal A Relationship - Blessed Be Oracle Deck

When there's an uneasiness, let the expression of what causes, this be found, and if it be found within each other, let be gentle disentanglement begin, until the source is discovered and is cured, without strain and blame

Let your hands reach out one to the other  and feel the warmth of humanity pulsing through the blood beneath the skin, until the comfort of each other heals the coldness has come between you

Let you begin speaking from the heart flowing and strong, even if the voice that sends the words seems to choke within your throat at first , Let understanding begin to glimmer and grow and the willingness to give and the openness to receive be exploded

Until the hearts that lie within you both open up and bloom with the new care and tenderness which you agree to hold each other's most cherished dreams and hopes.
Let words soft and true, fall between you, until you begin to trust and arise from the bed of nails that you have each slept in since this disharmony came between you

You have pulled this card because you are having problems in your relationship and you are struggling, you can't find away to mend your broken heart

First of all most you need to understand each other, try to find out how did this problems arise, you were once comfortable with each other's company but now ease and comfort, but for a while now you are uncomfortable with each other's company and quite anxious

Don't let small disagreements and problems get in between you two, find a time and a perfect place perhaps go on a holiday, relax and talk to each other sweetly and try to over come the situation

Remember, You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, all you need to do is be sweet and gentle, hold each other tightly and don't let small things get in between you two

By this way you can catch back the harmony and the love you have for each other back, relight the fire because it's still there

Deck Used Here 
Blessed Be 

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