21 May 2019

Infinity - Sacred Geometry Oracle

Infinity - Sacred Geometry Oracle

Infinity - Sacred Geometry Oracle

Infinity: “Beyond Measure”

“This card represents the balance of all expressions of consciousness. It is unbroken wholeness in flowing movement. It is both an inner and an outer journey. By pulling this card, you are pulling your attention toward the infinite nature of reality. The possibilities of what exist beyond the known are beyond measure.

You are beginning to accept that there are dimensions beyond the physical that exist simultaneously with third dimensional realty. From these parallel realities come information and wisdom that will change the face of your life. As a seeker, you are on a path that will unveil ways you may act in accord with this information. Listen to the wisdom of your heart, for it is compassion and heart wisdom that holds the key to unlocking these mysteries and changing the course of events that would seem to be bringing humankind to the brink of destruction.

Infinity - Sacred Geometry Oracle

Infinity - Sacred Geometry Oracle

Each action you take – each thought, each emotion – affects the continuum. Act from a place of hope and clarity of intention, knowing that every vibration of love you send into infinity will counter and dissolve anger and violence. Each intention of healing will erase pain. Each vision of an enlightened future will help avert apocalyptic predictions.

There is no reversed aspect for this card, as there is no way to reduce the infinite.”*

~ By Francene Hart

“This card tells us that by pulling this card you are giving your attention , started to give your attention to your inner and outer journey. The Nature of reality is infinite. what exists beyond the unknown can't be measured.

You started to accept that there are other dimensions beyond this physical dimensions and exists. The information that will change your life will come from these parallel realities, Listen to your heart, that holds the key to unlocking these mysteries and changing the course of events

Every step you take, every single thought, all your emotion – affects the continuance. Have hope, act with hope and clarify you help to counter and dissolve anger and violence. Your intensions will help you to ease & erase the pain.

Deck Used Here 
Sacred Geometry Oracle
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