The frequency of THE SACRAL CHAKRA - THE ORANGE FLOWER OF LIFE.Supports our ability to flow with our desires and stimulates our creative power and manifest success and abundance in our lives. The Flower of life is a geometrical shape accepted / recognised by many cultures. There are thirteen equal circles crossing in the middle of each circle and creating a perfectly adjusting flower The Flower of Life represents universe as a whole.
Sacred Geometry Activations - Sacral Chakra |
Out of all Seven chakras, only Root and Sacral Chakra is close to each other. Root and the Sacral Chakra (source of your sexual energy and desire). You can have a strong and pure Sacral Chakra, but if your Root is weak, you'll have low sexual desires. Chakra means location, where you locate, live.
The sacral chakra is the second chakra. It's associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. Unconscious activities.. Extremism, and feeling guilty. Emotions like, fear, joy, happiness. You can try meditation on well being Conscious expression Personal feelings / emotions Affirmation Being sentimental / I am sentimental Astrologically Cancer / Moon Libra / Venus Scorpio / Pluto It is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. Its element is water, as its energy is like water, it flows and it's flexible.. Sacral Chakra is directed by the principle of pleasure (desires, sexual desires etc) When your chakra is balanced You'll feel secure, You can do your daily tasks You won't feel fatigued. If in Imbalance you may experience Anxiety / Depression Fears, or nightmares. Physical imbalances Problems with colon & bladder Pain on lower back Restless legs The next we have the Sacral Chakra rules our physical manifestation and it's the throne for our creativity Sacral Chakra When the Sacral Chakra is in Balance? Your feelings flow freely and you can express yourself without any problems If in imbalance a person may experience emotional instability, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression, or addictions If your are imbalanced you may / might have suffer with anxiety, depression, addictions If you want to use colour therapy you can use Orange Red Orange / Red lights, Orange / Red Candles Orange flowers (flowers in orange colour)Having a red lotus flower Focus on your spine You can use Crystal Therapy for Sacral Chakra Carnelian AmberAzurite Bloodstone,Blue Jasper Red Jasper Chrysocolla, Golden Citrine Calcite Topaz Orange Calcite Orange CarnelianSmokey Quartz Hematite TopazYellow Topaz ***** You can eat Almonds Mandarin,OrangesStrawberriesCoconut Cinnamon MelonRed ApplesRed Cabbage GingerCarrotsBeetsEggs MeatBeans Nuts in rich & high protein and drink water to improve your Sacral Chakra Naval Chakra vibrates to Note C & D, Note C & D is used for sound therapy for the Sacral Chakra LAM” will have a positive effect on the root, and it also vibrates to “C” Note. You can try dancing to balance your root chakra Deck Used Here Sacred Geometry Activations 
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