19 June 2019

10 of Wands Everyday Witch Tarot

10 of Wands Everyday Witch Tarot
10 of Wands Everyday Witch Tarot 

10 of Wands is bringing us the news that we have been waiting for, finally the light at the end of the tunnel

Good news you have passed that non stop circle of bad days and struggles. You have spend so much time and energy and now you are free of that luggage, weight on your shoulders

Finally you can reward yourself

10 of Wands Everyday Witch Tarot
10 of Wands Everyday Witch Tarot 

You became the problem solver in your circle(friends, family) but this comes with a lot of responsibilities, it's a new challenge ( ah those challenges never ends, probably when it ends life will end.) but those challenges needed to be successful 

Your business is getting better but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities, you need to remain, calm & patient, you need to know your priorities and solve the relevant problems.

Problem free life is the dream of all of us, but it's not always possible, life is about taking responsibility and knowing your responsibilities, all of us have responsibilities, to our society, family, friends, job etc. Challenges will keep coming, life is not bed of roses like in the movies, you don't get your dream job, wife / husband / girlfriend / boyfriend, that dream home with a pool, a puppy, a luxury car and the most beautiful kids in the world as soon as you graduate from school, yet we are lucky if we can find a decent job
This card is telling you "This is real world, people should be moderate, they need to understand, that they cannot solve everything, they need to let go of some other things, we can't get everything we want.

Deck Used Here

Everyday Witch Tarot

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