
3 of Cups - Pagan Tarot

3 of Cups - Pagan Tarot
3 of Cups - Pagan Tarot 
It's one of the most positive cards in tarot deck, it symbolises happiness, celebrations, get together.

So from this today will be a relatively positive day, you'll be able to forget your worries, things that is bothering you and have some nice time with your family, loved ones & friends.

It's a reunion, maybe meeting up with friends that you haven't seen in long time, from school years. (last time I pulled this card, about a month ago, it predicted a reunion for me and I had no plans of meeting anyone, but than dang, I had to fly to run some errands not only I had a reunion with old friends, I had seen my neighbours that I haven't seen in 16 years, I met a friend that I had forgotten about, I only had remembered his name, when someone took me to his office to show the properties he's developing)

3 of Cups - Pagan Tarot
3 of Cups - Pagan Tarot 

It's a happy event, cherishing moments. . .

3 Cups is also a good omen when it comes to business and work. You'll receive some money.

In love it's a sign of reunion with long lost love (although not always we take it that way)

If you are single you'll meet your other half soon, if you are in a relationship you'll get to spend some nice time with your loved one..

On health wise you need to find ways to improve your health? Perhaps time to start yoga, meditation, eating healthily food, joining to your local gym. Sleep and rest a little more.

Time to give some importance to your Spirituality, you are slowly awakening, you don't need a spiritual teacher, just be open what's going around you.

Things are not progressing as good or fast as you are excepting in your relationship, you need to have a little bit of patience, things will progress in time, and in their own pace of time, we can't force these things.

If you are single you'll meet your other half but things need time to progress don't rush

In Business / Career you'll get what you want but there's still time for it, don't rush, let it progress on its own

“good things come to those who wait.”

Deck Used Here 

Pagan Tarot 

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