28 November 2019

The High Priestess - The Ghost Tarot

Pay attention to your dreams & synchronicities

You are the one who knows what's best to you.

Listen to your instincts and act according to it.

It's time to understand your instincts & trust your instincts

You are either developing your instincts or time to develop.

You need to be careful to your sleep & appetite

You'll be forever in stress & insomnia if you don't take care of yourself

If you are in a relationship this card might indicate to go to your own way,
There're lots of secrets. mysteries yet to be revealed.

The High Priestess is asking you to challenge yourself

It tells us that we need to go beyond our capability.

Time to discover your hidden / undiscovered abilities

Start reading a new book, try learning a new hobby ..

Wisdom is the key.

Listen to your intuition rather than prioritising conscious mind.

Avoid conflict and try to be cool.

Move forward and trust your guts.

You have got important decisions to make, only if you can decide, make your mind up and know what you want. . .

Don't repeat the same mistakes over & over.

Eat & sleep well.

Don't forget to be positive.

Deck Used Here

The Ghost Tarot 

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