02 December 2019

Sacred Fool - Divine Circus Oracle

It's time to stop listening other people, others are telling you what to do, what not to do.

You feel enough is enough, they are putting their nose into your life and it's time for you to stop listening the outside noises.

This is your life and you deserve the live your life as you wish.

You need to follow your dreams, to follow your dreams you need to be determined and stop listening others.

You have been called as naive, stupid, fool for your choices, let them call you what they wish, at the end you are the one who'll win

< You don't understand your power and your strength You speak the truth, although sometimes it might feel like it's inconvenient but it's time for you to inspire others with your modesty & honesty People see you as being rebellious. All you need to do is shrug off the fears of judgment. Take Control of your full power Be with people who supports you and accepts you for who you are.

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  Divine Circus Oracle 

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