06 January 2020

Tarot Apokalypsis - 3 of Wands

Tarot Apokalypsis - 3 of Wands
Tarot Apokalypsis - 3 of Wands

3 Of Wands telling us that our finances is going better after a long struggle
Oh that's what we need to hear after Xmas right.

Tarot Apokalypsis - 3 of Wands
Tarot Apokalypsis - 3 of Wands

Even if your job is homebased it means your efforts have been seen.

If you are unemployed and looking for work.

If you are having problems with your partner, it is time to move on.

You may travel or relocate to a sunny climate.

3W brings success and good fortune

3W is another Royal Card

3W's a good card for relationships it tells us growth and development in love.

Trust yourself everything is going to be OK.

Deck Used Here

Tarot Apokalypsis

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