11 March 2020

Pray to the East Guardian Watches Over the West - The Wild Kuan Yin Oracle

The Wild Kuan Yin Oracle - Pray to the East
The Wild Kuan Yin Oracle - Pray to the East 
It's an ending but also a new beginning.

This Card is telling you, every ending has a new beginning.

Don't be depressed just because something has ended.

This is just a crossing, changing paths .

Acknowledge the ending and accept the new beginnings

Don't regret anything as that new person or new things hasn't been revealed yet

It's time for decisions, you need to make a room for new.

To make room for the new you new to get rid of the something or some people in your life

I know it's harsh but if that's needs to be done for new you need to do it.

This Card is telling you, every ending has a new beginning.

Don't be depressed just because something has ended.

Don't regret anything as that new person or new things hasn't been revealed yet

The Wild Kuan Yin Oracle - Pray to the East
The Wild Kuan Yin Oracle - Pray to the East 

Don't be afraid of the ending and starting a new.

Everyday is a new beginning.

Everyday we start to a new, fresh day.

Focus on letting go. 

Be sure that there's something new over the horizon waiting you.

Have courage, trust yourself,

Holding on to things / people is not really healthy (mentally)

Be patient, accept the ending, prepare yourself for the new beginning, start the procedures of a new life.

You don't need to feel ashamed,  regretful or fearful from your past or things you have done in past, but what you have done in past good / bad might come and haunt you in the future or in present day

There's always a hope in the future, so never lose that hope. .

Don't be afraid to let / allow things end.

Deck Used Here

The Wild Kuan Yin Oracle

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