22 June 2020

2 of Swords - Robin Wood Tarot

2 of Swords - Robin Wood Tarot
2 of Swords - Robin Wood Tarot 

2S is the card for partnership & balance.  

Rather than a group of people in partnership (such as business partnership with a group of people, here we are talking about one person) 

Sometimes we need to give it in, even if it's for the sake of it.  

2 of Swords - Robin Wood Tarot
2 of Swords - Robin Wood Tarot 

Partnerships are likely to be progressing, 

Consider whether you have been treated equally in business / love as your partner(s)

If not, have a word to bring back the balance. 

You may be waiting in stuck  and also pushing people to act before they are even ready for the decision. 

This is not gonna make things better or turn things in your favour within a short time. 

Thing will already turn on your way, if you know what you are doing, just be patient. 

There's no need to panic...  

When it comes to romance your relationships will be easier and more balanced 

2 S tells you, that you need spend your money carefully, don't just throw it away, spend your money on necessary.

Don't look outside for happiness, you need to find your inner happiness first.

No need to be desperate,

Make sure you are eating well,, healthy, getting enough sleep, and having your daily exercise, .  not to mention drinking enough water daily,

You are undecided on your choices. 

Your emotions are blocked.

To be able to have a balanced body, you need to have a balanced mind. 

A healthy mind is in a healthy body

The swords are perfectly balanced, which symbolize a balanced and sound mind, as well as the two sides of any situation that need to be addressed.

You are someone who uses logic and intelligence to find solutions to issues, problems, 

2S represents making a choice, don't just be blind eyed, and run away from problems, at the end you also know that you need to find a decision and make a decision to solve your problems . 

It might difficult and painful to make decisions, but you still need to make those decisions, avoiding, turning your back, being blind eye not gonna get you anywhere. 

Take off your blindfolds, wake up and smell the coffee. 

Do not ignore the red flags in your relationship, just remove those blinders. 

Do not think that one day he'll be a good boy and stop being a womaniser and be faithful, you can continue as much as you want, but that day not gonna arrive. 

Do not let him / her to use you any longer.

You have the power to control what your future will look like.

The power is in your hands.

All the fear and anxiety will disappear, too, because you simply will have the power and control of your own life. 

Deck Used Here

Robin Wood Tarot 

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