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4 Pentacles - Tarot of The Sweet Twilight

4 Pentacles - Tarot of The Sweet Twilight
4 Pentacles - Tarot of The Sweet Twilight 

Four of Pentacles is telling us that you are holding on to unrealistic  & unhealthy things

Possessions, things that you cling on..

Status & Wealth

Being Comfortable


4 Pentacles - Tarot of The Sweet Twilight
4 Pentacles - Tarot of The Sweet Twilight 

You want security & recognition in life, and that recognition doesn't come without money.

"There's the question how far are you willing to go until you go the money you want?"

If you don't come from a wealthy background or if you do but you are a money minded person it shows that you can go as far as you can to reach what you want.

This card shows that you are in a relationship for financial security or you want a relationship to have financial security

If you are single it means you are only interested in a wo/men who can provide you that security..

If you are working you want to get into a position that involves big money.

Everybody likes comfort but when this card appears it tells us you want & love material comfort to feel secure.

You want more material power and success

You are a very stubborn person you don't let go what you have that easy, you want to control, control and control.  Sorry to say but a bit like
Control Freak 

You are concerned with money and investments

  Deck Used Here 

Tarot of The Sweet Twilight

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