
8 of Wands - Tarot Nefertari

8 of Wands - Tarot Nefertari
8 of Wands - Tarot Nefertari 

When you draw 8 of Wands, you can expect loads of things happening all the same time.

If you are bored & frustrated of waiting. 

I do not have good news on that, unfortunately you are gonna have to wait a little longer.

If you have done what you need to do when taking decisions, now you're gonna have to wait for others to give their decisions. 

8 of Wands - Tarot Nefertari
8 of Wands - Tarot Nefertari 

This is a suspension period, and it feels nothing is moving on. 

Don't try to push or force things, as this will backfire on you.

You did your best now all you need to do is wait.

Don't forget you need to be patient. 

The outcome of the decision will most probably positive. 
When it comes to love, unlike you the person you have in mind is not ready for commitment 

Don't push your luck any further 

Don't force the person either. 

Try to distract yourself with other things. 

Not everything comes in silver platter.

It's not a good time for investments or putting your money into stock exchange, unless if you are looking for a long term investment.

Save your money and watch where you are spending your money (this message is directing at me 😜 the cards know how I want the new Cricut machine to make my own stickers and bits, telling me not to buy it, well If I don't buy it for my birthday I'll be buying it for Xmas in 6 months)

If you are waiting to hear about your health, you need to be a bit more patient, as you'll not hear anything soon.. 

Think positive, no news is good news..

During this time spend time on reading, take an online course, educate yourself. 

Don't wait things to come to you, you create your opportunities. 

Deck Used Here 

Nefertari's Tarot

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