13 July 2020

4 of Swords -Tarot of the Haunted House

4 of Swords -Tarot of the Haunted House
4 of Swords -Tarot of the Haunted House

4 Swords is associated with anxiety and stress.

Anxiety & Stress makes you less social and you really don't want to interact with others.

All you want is your own time and space. 

Step back from trying to solve your problems just for today. 

Do something that makes you happy. 

4 of Swords -Tarot of the Haunted House
4 of Swords -Tarot of the Haunted House

Also you may have had a shocking experience in the past and that had changed you as a person, 
When it comes to love, things are slowly getting better after a time of bickering.

Please don't neglect your mental health, as depression and anxiety is important, look out to avoid things that triggers your depression & anxiety .

This is a good time to balance things, especially your emotional & spiritual life.

Deck Used Here
Tarot of Haunted House

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