20 July 2020

5 of Wands - Celtic Tarot

5 of Wands - Celtic Tarot
5 of Wands - Celtic Tarot 

The Five of Wands tells that you are experiencing conflicts and changes in your life. 

 5W is about conflicts, this might be an existing one, which brew up in time and blew up with the last conflict. 
5 of Wands - Celtic Tarot
5 of Wands - Celtic Tarot 

You may also having communication problems, you might be in a situation that both sides are not listening one of the other that's why you are you are having conflicts, once you are patient enough to listen to each other conflicts will remain.

This is a suspension period, and it feels nothing is moving on. 

5 of Swords asks you to deal with changes , Change will allow to mature and keep challenging yourself to be better you. 

 5 of Swords indicates conflicts and clashes in relationships. Don't expect pink clouds at this moment in your relationship but the worse expect more drama. 

 You may or your partner planning to leave you. 

 You clash and argue all the time. 

 When this card appears it tells you to stop bickering like little kids and talk like adults. If needed take time from each other, I know it's hard, but try to distance yourselves for a bit. 

And maybe he has too many women in his life and you may be the least of his priorities. You have to be careful on where and what you invest your money. 

 If needed keep an excel table for your bills, expenses, and taz Check your excel table time to time to find irregularities or disprancies.

 There's a little progress in your relationships because both parties have the motto of my way or the highway .

 As everyone around you has their own agenda, nobody agrees with you and they constantly challenge you .

Sometimes conflicts and disagreements can be beneficial, especially when it comes to meetings and brainstorming. 

 Sometimes it's ok for different options to be voiced, it will help you 5W asks you to respect different opinions, everyone has their own opinion and we need to respect them, as you expect them respect your opinions. 

 5W tells us that maybe you are being challenged and you are facing a competition that you are not used to. This might be your own personal struggles or the amount of issues you are facing at this moment, but you, yourself need to find the solution to this, only you can help yourself, to be able to do this, you need to identify the issues. 

You might be feeling like you can't win, and you feel hopeless. But there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. You still have not overcome your challenges. 

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