22 July 2020

Apache Tears-Crystal Spirits Oracle

Apache Tears-Crystal Tears
Apache Tears-Crystal Spirits Oracle 


Letting go of grief, recovering from the past, releasing pain so old wounds heal 

Before we came to this planet, our souls agreed to experience both love and loss in this lifetime— along with the pleasures and pains of being in our bodies—so that we might experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and find our destiny. 

There is great beauty in being broken open, for a heart that has fully expanded with grief is one that truly understands that “rejection is God’s protection.” 

Faith in something better coming our way will set the wheels in motion for attracting that which we most deserve. 

Apache Tears-Crystal Tears
Apache Tears-Crystal Spirits Oracle  

Often, we simply cannot recognize that there is a far better plan at work than our own. 

The message of Apache Tears Spirit is not to fear or repress your emotions. 

Release them through your body so you can prepare yourself to heal from the heartache and receive all that the Conscious Universe has in store for your pleasure and happiness. 

Often, our purpose starts to reveal itself in times of rejection as the Conscious Universe whispers, “You will see this through a different set of eyes one day. I promise!” 

Know that the Conscious Universe is allying with you even now, eagerly supporting you in your opening to the fulfillment and joy that you were born to feel. 

When Apache Tears Spirit appears, it is calling you to recognize that losses and even betrayals come bearing unexpected gifts; they can break your heart open and send you on a mission to live more fully, more lovingly, more meaningfully. 

Much goodness is coming your way, so hold on and hold fast to the truth that you have a destiny unfolding before you. 

Recognize the Conscious Universe as your ally in co-creating some- thing so much better than what you are experiencing now.

 Clear space by releasing the past and washing away the old with your tears. 

You do not need to hold on to old emotions. Prosperity Message: At times, the Conscious 

Universe answer to you is “no,” but only because the Conscious Universe loves you unconditionally and wants you to experience the very best of everything. 

The tears that flow will also water seeds of joy you don’t even know are planted in the field of infinite possibility. 

Now is a time to allow yourself to grieve your losses as if you were sweeping the doorstep and taking out the garbage, so that you can make way for a new delivery. 

The Conscious Universe has so much planned for you, so release any emotions that might block you from moving into a state of receptivity. 

Abundance and prosperity will soon be visible in your outer conditions.

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