
Knight of Cups - Tarot of The 78 Doors

Knight of Cups - Tarot of The 78 Doors
Knight of Cups - Tarot of The 78 Doors 

Knight of C tells us finally there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

It tell us everything is going to be OK and stop stressing, (it's easy to speak, only the one who's going through bad times knows how painful things are)

This card is promising good news..
Be open to be creative during this time,

Knight of Cups - Tarot of The 78 Doors
Knight of Cups - Tarot of The 78 Doors 

KC asks you to stay focused, you'll eventually reach your goals

You may find yourself drawn to a particular hobby, so try to work on that hobby, you might have a talent on that particular thing.

Cups are water signs, so expect to be a bit emotional this time, you might shed a couple of tear drops.

There's a chance that you might have a romantic day / night.

You might feel happy like you are on those happiness pills :)

Definitely your body will be filled with serotonin 😊😊😊

Take everything slowly, no need to rush, no need to hurry.

A day that your emotions will be in control of you.

Deck Used Here
Tarot of the 78 Doors

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