You are an old soul with much wisdom in you. You know how to learn from experience and grow stronger and more loving, even through life's challenges.
Trust yourself and life. You are growing now, towards your divine destiny. You may need guidance to find your way through unfamiliar situations, as you broaden your horizons,now. Allow those who are wise like you to be your companions, as you choose not to believe in the voices of fear.
It is not what you have done that matters; it is what you do now. It is not who you believe yourself to have been that matters; it is how you choose to be now.
Dispense with regrets, guilt or shame as soon as you can give yourself permission to do so. Rather, ask yourself what can be learned, what can be forgiven, how you can love,instead. And then move on — gently, firmly, lovingly -- just as the child naturally moves on from infancy to the next stages of life and the soul naturally grows in wisdom, compassion and love with the process of life experiences
.Give yourself permission to wobble, The colt, who will become as if and sure-footed stallion, will still need to go through having an ungainly wobble until it gets used to its legs.
In the bigger scheme of things, those wobbles, as humiliating or challenging as they may seem inthe moment, shall only be a small sentence, not even a whole paragraph
of chapter, in the greater story of your soul,
When you are wobbling,you are growing into something you've not done before. This is brave.
Be proud even of your stumbles, for they are part of your success.
And You have great potential for success in this lifetime! So go on and grow.
Something new wants to happen. This is healthy and to be encouraged.
Do not be scared to do things differently now.
Do not be scared to "break new ground". Rely on your intuition and instincts, even if your mind is afraid because it doesn't feel in control of the process.
No matter how old you are, or how young, no matter what age stage in life you may think you are supposed to be at, you are being asked to clear your mind of such expectations or judgements and, instead, just love who you are and where you are in your life.
This is your unique journey. Any belief that you cannot, or should not, follow your dreams because of age, roles, gender or religious background, or any other issues are to be put aside now.It is never too late to begin something. It is never too late to finish something.
It is never too late to forgive.
It is never too late to decide to just be happy in the moment and free yourself from past judgement, pain or suffering. It is never too late..
If you have been suffering from fatigue or depression, feeling overwhelmed with responsibility or burned out, feeling "old before your time", so to speak, then this oracle also brings a message to take some time to replenish yourself by connection with the child within, This maybe through play, breaking your routine or exploring a new
Gaze at the card for several moments, then say che following prayer:"Grandmother of Love, Granddaughter of Life, Kuan Yin, who loves me unconditionally as an enthusiastic child and wise elder, I call upon you now.
Please help me to trust in my own timing, in the greater timing of all of my life cycles, my dreams and my plans, and of my own
divine becoming. i trust myself and divine timing. So be it.
Place your right and left hands together in prayer position. Imagine That your right hand is the hand of the child within and your left hand the hand of the wise elder within. Feel the gentle push and holding of one hand against the other, the love and responsiveness of these two parts of you manifesting through your hands.
Send love from your heart to your hands and gently smile and acknowledge these two beautiful
You have completed your healing process.
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