21 August 2020

The Map Maker of Destiny - Wisdom of The Hidden Realms

The Map Maker of Destiny - Wisdom of The Hidden Realms
The Map Maker of Destiny - Wisdom of The Hidden Realms



When the Mapmaker of Destiny appears, it's a sign that you're being given an opportunity to transform Fate into Destiny. 

At birth, each human being is given a unique map with myriad paths that intersect with one another. Your Map of Destiny shows all the places you're meant to visit, places where you will be challenged to evolve into the highest aspects of the Self. 

Remember that you're a spark of the Divine come to Earth to experience itself in human form. 

The Map Maker of Destiny - Wisdom of The Hidden Realms
The Map Maker of Destiny - Wisdom of The Hidden Realms

As such, your path is unique. It's also somewhat preordained, and Fate represents the events in your life that were meant to happen and that you can't change. 

Fate is transformed into Destiny according to how you respond to your circumstances. 

Destiny offers you the ability to make great opportunities out of fated experience, so free will and choice are possible at certain points on your map. 

How you respond will lead you into your perfect Destiny.

Your Ally may assume the form of a soul mate come to heal your heart and be your companion.

Now is one of those times. You're faced with a relationship or circumstance brought to you by Fate 

Perhaps your Challenger makes you face the things within you that must change in order for you to express your highest good. 

Maybe Fate brings you an Ally in the form of a wonderful new project . . . or a Challenger in the form of a failed business.

 No matter which form they take, all are perfect expressions of Fate inviting you into your Destiny. Pay attention as your map unfolds now. 

And remember that Fate makes the map, but Destiny is determined by the manner in which you engage your journey. When The Map Maker of Destiny y appears, it’s a sign that you’re being given an opportunity to transform Fate into Destiny. 

This card is telling you, you can change your fate, and create your own destiny, future is not set in a stone,

If your business had failed, you can start over, if your relationship doesn't go well, you can always meet a new person, all you need to have is a will. 

You have chance to control your destiny 

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