24 August 2020

APATITE - The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle

APATITE - The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle
APATITE - The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle 



 Apatite works at the interface between consciousness and matter to let go of what is outworn in your life

.Self-understanding: Clear away confusion or guilt .Accept the truth about yourself. 
You are a complex being with credits and deficits. 
APATITE - The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle
APATITE - The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle 

Recognize these without judgment. Move away from aloofness or social alienation and show others who you truly are. 

Use your perspicacity. You have much to offer by way of service as you access insights for the collective good.

Be inspired. Discern truth within. Recognize what is real in your world and restructure your reality. 

Don't be deceived by false fronts: see what's beneath. Develop your metaphysical perception. Things improve steadily.

Understand that circumstances are merely learning opportunities. It is time to be of service to others. 

Teach what you know.

Your intuition knows what's best for you.

CHAKRA: third eye, 
Base TIMING: Gemini
SOUL PATH: discerning the truth within

Accept yourself as who you are with your pluses and minuses

Self acceptance is important as much as it sounds confusing it's important for not alliniating yourself from outside world. 

First you need to accept yourself as who you are so that the others can accept you as who you are. 

DOn't let people judge you, you are an individual and you don't have to have the same likes, same hobbies, interests as the others. 

Recognise and accept yourself 

Your intuition knows what's best for you.

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