22 August 2020

Expression - Vintage Wisdom Oracle

Expression - Vintage Wisdom Oracle
Expression - Vintage Wisdom Oracle 


HERE IS THE MUSE OF EXPRESSION, her face concealed behind a gossamer veil. 

Her intense gaze and regal headdress are evocative of the veiled Isis, the Egyptian goddess of the Divine Feminine, the mother of all things, the keeper of nature's secrets. 
Expression - Vintage Wisdom Oracle
Expression - Vintage Wisdom Oracle 

 Throughout history, the veil has been perceived as a drapery of vice, a vesture of sentiment, religion and duty, 

Whatever its function, the mysterious appearance of the veil invites the onlooker to question what is concealed. 

 A profusion of multicolored butterflies rise from the center of the headdress ,personifying the spontaneous release of thoughts soaring to the heavens, free from inhibition and worldly constraint, here is a vital place for discretion and self-restraint, especially if our actions or words could harm others.

But to be true to the spirit within requires us to express our authentic selves. Old fears of ridicule, rejection and rendering ourselves vulnerable can prevent us from taking ownership of our individuality and self-expression. 

Not only can it move us out of alignment with our center, it may block emotional growth of our outward expression does not match our inner reality.

Some people measure their creative potential by school performance, even if many years have passed. 

Experience,however, constantly molds and redefines our relationship to life, which in turn brings new talents to the surface.

Therefore,it is illogical to assume that our creative expression remains the same throughout our lives. This is the beauty of it!

 We are never too old to excavate hidden talents that have not yet seen the light of day.The presence of the Expression card invites you to look closer for any restrictive fears that might veil the glory of your god-given authentic self-expression. 

Verbal communication is just one aspect to self-expression. 

When words fail, there are many ways to interact with the world, find your "voice" and innovative new ways to do things: through the creative arts,the way you dress, or how you relate to others and the world around you. 

However you feel moved to respond, be open to new ways of communicating, dare to risk, then go forth and shine!

We all express our thoughts, ideas, opinions in different ways. 

Some prefer verbal / oral,  some prefer visual, and some prefer written.  

Verbal communication is another way of self expression. 

Throughout the years people's creativity  / expression is measured by school performance, and they were even bullied, to this day the teachers don't have enough knowledge to understand students with communication problems, who finds it hard to express themselves, who can't create under pressure, expressing ourselves whether oral / verbal, written or in visual is hard for some people, I personally don't like to be on the front, that's why I don't do Youtube, I prefer to write. 

So instead of bullying people by their choice of expression, just let them open their wings, be free to express themselves the way they want to. 

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Vintage Wisdom Oracle 
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