20 August 2020




 It's time for some rest and recuperation 

Have you been overdoing things or working too hard? If so, relaxation is required now. 

Recharge and relax.

Mermaids know how to relax, and this one is floating into your reading to say, 'chill out! 

'Have you been overdoing things recently,perhaps you're feeling tired or overwhelmed?


When you set aside relaxation time, you'll Find that you're better equipped to handle the challenges of life,If you've been feeling stressed, this card appearing in your reading is an urgent call to stop what you're doing right now and relax, because relaxation is very healing and can alleviate many symptoms, mental and physical

Do you find it difficult to stop and relax? It's Not uncommon to feel like this. Some of us feel the need to keep ourselves continually busy so as not have to face our inner self. If this resonates with you, then you might find a meditation class helpful. 

 Or you can go online and find a guided relaxation or listen to therapeutic sounds of nature, especially of the sea. The sound of waves has a soothing and hypnotic effect, helping you to feel calmer and ina more relaxed state. 

There are plenty of videos on the internet you can watch for free also.

If you have people around you who are a little hyperactive, firstly look at their diet, as food can have a huge effect on energy levels. 

 Too much sugar for instance, can send your system into Overdrive -- have you heard the term 'sugar rush start by looking at foods that calm the system and start by eliminating processed sugar from your meals and snacks.

If you are like me have an overactive brain, you need to find a way relax, as with non stop ticking brain it's very hard to relax and sleep peacefully..

When I can't sleep I listen to sound of waves, you can easily find this on Youtube or Apple Musics or If I am by the sea side I go out to sea side sit on the sand, close my eyes and listen to the sound of waves, I always find being by the water side relaxing(sea side, lake side, river side) 

If I can not be by any where that relaxes me I close my eyes and imagine that I am by the sea side, playing with the waves.  

Also the amount of caffeine I consume during it day has an effect on my sleep and relaxation, there's one thing for sure caffeine makes me more hyper than I am.

I also find watching animal videos online relaxing.  If you are a doggie lover like me, I recommend you to watch 8 Corgi House, 8 lovely corgis from Korea, or Mocha Milk, Meerkat Timon & Pumba.   I am sure you'll find Meerkat Timon & Pumba interesting as this country side couple doesn't only have a meerkat & cat, they have dog :) totally an animal farm..

You can try yoga & meditation but I am not the most patient woman in the world, so I prefer other ways to relax.  

Oh before I forget taking good old long hot bath with oils also relax you and you'll fall a sleep like a little baby. 

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