10 August 2020

Sacred Geometry Activations - Conception

Sacred Geometry Activations - Conception
Sacred Geometry Activations - Conception

The frequency of Conception invites us to bring our consciousness to our origin—the place where everything in creation begins. 

It helps us to remember the infinite potential and possibilities of this space and what we can manifest through our own focused awareness and intention. 

Sacred Geometry Activations - Conception
Sacred Geometry Activations - Conception

 Infinite movement and expansion are dancing with illness and contraction; deep silence is harmonizing with the presence of a strong heartbeat. We are at home in this space, and at the same time, there is an indistinguishable sense of stellar connection that is unmistakably not of this Earth.

Conception can be described as the process of creation. This may refer to the beginning of life as a physical being or to the start of an idea or a belief, like thinking a thing and then making it a reality.

At the beginning of everything, there is a conceived nothingness that then becomes something—like one cell splitting into two,splitting into four, and so on.

At the very core of everything, there is a universal heartbeat, represented by the heartbeat graph running through the middle of this Activation. 

The dark blue background shows the vast, deep galaxy and the depth of consciousness. The swirling background circles represent a grid that is not from this Earth plane, indicating an origin from other dimensions and star systems as well. The bubbles are like the splitting of cells, symbolizing the process of conception and creation 

  Take a moment to go inside and remember where you came from. You are made Of energy—pure consciousness.choose to be here in body, at this time, in this place. Allow Yourself to realize the infinite potential and possibilities that you are able to ntan(fest through yourfocused awareness andintention—through Conception.

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