
The Fairy Stallion - Tarot of the Hidden Realm

The Fairy Stallion - Tarot of the Hidden Realm
The Fairy Stallion - Tarot of the Hidden Realm

The Chariot gives us the news of you'll be overcoming the challenges and you'll have your own victory at the end. 

 Well done, you have win this battle by controlling your emotions and maintaining your confidence. 

 Using your will power, strength you have overcome the obstacles. 

The Fairy Stallion - Tarot of the Hidden Realm
The Fairy Stallion - Tarot of the Hidden Realm

 You proved everyone that you are strong. Maintain your will power and strength, be confident. 

 Use your intellectually and heart when giving decision, that's how you'll be successful.

 Don't get the small things get into your way, but be careful of people who are working against you. 

They might appear like your friend but they are about to backstab you.. 

 No matter what don't let these people and things hurt you, just be calm and remain your patience, be cool and calm.

Don't waste your time on worrying about things, life is not long enough to worry about small things. 

 Stress and worry is not good for health. 

 Don't let others to ruin the your success and if you are right and the guilty one, people will be on your side. 

 Don't allow your partner or your future partner to push you into thing that you don't want, don't rush things in your relationship, and no matter what do not allow your partner to put pressure on you. If you are not happy in your relationship you can always move away, there's plenty of fish out there.

There will loads of opportunities and possibilities. 

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